Labels:audio cd | bed | cd rom | chair | crt screen | door | earth | monitor | person | sky | traffic light OCR: Ages 13 3&Up Encyclopedia of Endangered emme Windows MacOS INSTALL LATION: dise WINDOWS 98 Me XP Insertthe eCD.If AutoPlay is not enabled, MACINTOSH OS select Start> Run>D:l Ninstall. exe (Ifyour INSTALL ATION 7.5.3-9.2 X Classic CD-ROM drive is not D,use the appropriate letter.) To start Insert the CD. fprogram Insert the CD. Copy the Wilalife in Danger does not start automatically, choose folder onto your hard drive TO start: Start> Programs emme>Play Insert the CD and double -click the Encyclopedia of Endangered IWildlife Wilalife in Danger icon. 2003 edition. Published bry Global Softwarel Publishing North America nC(GSPNA) 1998MNHN ANTEN -EMIME Selectsoft isa egs stered trademark of Selectsuf Publishing QuidkTime and QuidkTIme aretrademan.sused unoer Isregisteredin .and other dtradema ...